Tools To Read the bible
“All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
We want to help you to read, study and meditate on the Bible: we hope you find these tools helpful. If you would like further help, why not contact us at

Which is the best Bible translation to use?
There are broadly two different types of translations: ones that are more literal (close to the original language they were written in) and ones that are designed to make the words easier to understand. All translations try to be accurate, but none is perfect.
“You Version” Bible App for your phone, tablet or computer has a feature where you tap on a verse and use the “Compare” option to add different translations to look at - particularly useful when you are struggling to “get” what the verse is saying! Whichever you choose, we want to encourage you to make a habit of getting stuck into God’s word on a regular basis basis so that you can hear what he is wanting to say to you and follow him daily, considering how you are going to respond to him.
Tools to help you read the Bible
Lectio 365
Lectio 365 is an app from 24/7 prayer that is free and can be downloaded to help you pray the Bible. There is a morning devotional on a passage of scripture using the P.R.A.Y. rhythm (Pause, Reflect & Rejoice, Ask and Yield). In the evening, the “Night Prayer” section helps you Reflect on the day just gone, Rejoice in God’s goodness, Repent of your sins and failings, and Receive forgiveness, ending with Rest to prepare for sleep.
Which is the best translation for you? - The Bible Society explains
The Bible Society have a helpful website which explains how to choose the best translation of the Bible for you. Their website explains how you can consider how you want to read the Bible, and the difference between more formal translations and more easy to read ones. There is also a helpful guide to many of the commonly used translations to help you know which might suit you best
Bible Plans to follow
The YouVersion Bible App has lots of plans you can follow. Whether you want to read through the Bible in One Year, or just the New Testament; whether you want to learn what the Bible says about anxiety, healing, hope, temptation or a whole host more subjects. Many of the plans have devotional commentaries to explain what you are reading. Some plans are short in content and length of time they run for, others might take you through a whole year: you can choose
Bible tools
There are lots of other resources that can help you grow in your faith through reading the Bible. If you prefer reading books, “How to Read the Bible for All it’s Worth” by Gordon D Fee is recommended. Or you can find lots of other resources on line, like Bible Hub or Blue Letter Bible. The Bible Project do excellent easy to follow videos as well as other study notes, plans and podcasts. Click below for more information
Lectio Divina ("Sacred Reading")
The ancient practice of “Sacred Reading” of the Bible helps us slow down and notice what God is saying through a passage of the Bible. Lectio literally means “Read”: read through a chosen passage of just a few verses and notice what stands out for you, and what you are feeling as you read it. Spend a few minutes reflecting and note down your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Ask God why a particular word or phrase stood out for you and what he wants to say to you. Respond to what he says to you and return to it over the coming hours or days
A New Testament journey
Encounter and know the extraordinary God of the Bible. A simple plan that helps you hear, accept and live a chapter of the Bible each weekday of the year.
You are invited to embark on a journey through the New Testament. This journey has been designed to help you work through the whole New Testament in one year, but more importantly to have the New Testament work through you! Available on line, as an audio version and through a paper version
Other Bible reading plans
Here is some more information about how to choose a plan to suit you. You can do a plan by yourself, or invite friends to do it with you. There are plans for different age groups, plans that address particular issues you may be facing, plans for health, finances, and general encouragement.
The sermon on the mount
This new series for 2024 from The Bible Project explores Jesus’s teaching in Matthew chapters 5-7 with playlists, videos, podcast selections, articles and more, available through their App, Website or via email, updated each Monday with fresh content to follow throughout the year.