The Five B.L.E.S.S. practices are rooted in the lifestyle of Jesus and offer some simple everyday ways for us to start loving our neighbours.
Begin with Prayer: When Jesus started his earthly mission, he went out on a mountain and prayed (Luke 6). If we want to discover our mission and how we live out our mission, prayer is the way forward. Time and time again, Jesus retreated to pray. If you are not sure who God is calling you to bless or where to be a blessing, begin with prayer. Start praying for the people who pop into your mind.
Listen: Asking questions and then listening was central to Jesus’ life and teaching. Jesus asked far more questions than he answered! of the 183 questions he received, he answered only a handful! Any relationship starts with listening to someone’s words and life. True listening may be the kindest and most loving gift that we can give someone.
Eat: Jesus liked to eat! we find him with tax collectors and sinners, prostitutes and pharisees - eating. There is something about sharing a meal together that moves any relationship past acquaintance towards friendship - faster than just about anything else we can do. We all eat most days, so why not learn to do it with others in your neighbourhood?
Serve: Jesus told us straight up “The Son of man didn’t come to be served but to serve”. He modelled for us that once you begin with prayer, listen and eat with someone, there is a good chance that you will discover ho you can best serve the person God is asking you to bless.
Story: When people were ready to listen, Jesus would share his story, like when he told Thomas that he is “the way, the truth and the life”. When we befriend people, they feel relationally safe and want to know our story. Then, and only then, can we tell them how the love of God and Jesus’ life, death and resurrection has changed our lives.