
What is church?

Church is not a place we go once a week for 90 minutes, but it is “Who We Are”. 

Mark 10:45 says “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve...” How can we follow his example? As Peter put it “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).

Being church is our calling. And it is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week calling: towards God who sends us out into the world to do his bidding and draw people towards himself. 


  • Sundays

    Being part of a serving team on Sundays is such a great way to be part of the church. Could you help with:

    • Welcome

    • Set up and set down

    • Refreshments,

    • Children’s ministry

    • Hospitality at other events

    We are a community and want people to feel welcome and involved. All you need is a warm smile and a heart to serve, and a commitment to do it once a month!

    Click on the button below to let us know what you would be willing to do.

  • Hospitality

    Why not invite others into your home and be a welcoming part of your own neighbourhood.

    • Why not take friends or neighbours out for a coffee,

    • Make them a cake or desert

    • Look at our neighbouring pages for ideas, and share your ideas with us -

    We’d love to hear from you. Click on the button below to let us know what you would be willing to do.

  • Serve your Community

    Lots of people go out of their way to serve the wider community: here are some of the ways people in our church are involved:

    • Foodbank,

    • Street Pastors,

    • Working with the homeless,

    • Serving on the Town Council,

    • Education, NHS, Caring and other local services

    Tell us about how you are helping meet the needs of people locally, or click on the button below to let us know what you would be willing to do.