SUNDAY gatherings
Sundays At HOPE uk
We meet weekly on Sundays at the Hope UK centre, at 50 Gold St Kettering NN16 8JB (opposite Boots). We gather from 10.15am for refreshments, followed by teaching and worship and prayer in God’s presence. Each month we follow a theme. We will have a box of activities and some teaching for younger children during the sermon. Do join us and invite your friends and neighbours. You are always welcome.
learning together
On some Sundays we have a time of worship and then discuss something related to the current teaching theme and think about how we can be equipped to be disciples of Jesus and follow him in our daily lives. There are opportunities to ask questions or contribute to the discussion. There is time for prayer and for people to meet with the Holy Spirit during the service. Our times are informal and everyone is welcome to contribute.
Communion &
One Sunday a month we have a time to share “Communion” together. Again it is very informal and focused on meeting with God, but also our relationships with one another. We always give time and opportunity to pray for each other.
We sometimes share food together around tables, chat and get to know one another. We hope our teaching and discussion will be very practical for daily life - ideal for inviting people who are not familiar with church. Sometimes we “Scatter” to meet in different homes in the community, or at local cafés. Lunch on Sundays is often an opportunity to meet with others.
Keep an eye on social media for more details and regular updates!